The 3rd Knowledge Transfer Laboratory co-organized on 14-17 June 2021 in Cyprus Energy Agency, and Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean, in the context of the implementation of the Interreg Med project Blue Deal. The workshop was organized in the city of Larnaca under the auspices of the same Municipality and combined online meetings through the project platform and live meetings in Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, complying with all measures provided against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Blue Deal project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and has as its main objective the deployment and capitalization of Blue Energy in the wider Mediterranean region. In support of this objective, the XNUMXrd Blue Deal Transferring Lab was organized to demonstrate and discuss potential scenarios for the exploitation of Blue Energy on the island of Cyprus. The Lab brought together key stakeholders from governmental organisations, academia and research institutions, industry, and civil society, so as to create links and connections and establish regional Blue Alliances that will support the Blue Energy sector on the island and ensure the sustainable development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Cyprus waters.
The first day of the Lab was dedicated to the policy and regulatory framework of marine RES in Cyprus; the second day to the potential of Blue Energy in Cyprus and possible sites for the sustainable deployment of Blue Energy technologies; the third day focused on Blue Investment funding opportunities and the experience of local and international SMEs within the Blue Energy sector; whilst the fourth and final day on the establishment of regional Blue Alliances for the promotion of the Blue Economy at both the national and Mediterranean levels.
The Lab was opened on behalf of the Mayor of Larnaca, by the head of the Technical Department of the Municipality, Mr. Andreas Karakatsanis, who gave a short welcome and presented Larnaca’s Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development until 2030. Welcome speeches were also given by the Director of the Cyprus Energy Agency, Mr. Savvas Vlachos, and the coordinator of the Blue Deal project, Dr. Simone Bastianoni. The Lab ended with a special Open Discussion session moderated by Mr. Zacharias Siokouros, CEO of the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, along with distinguished guests from Israel, Egypt, Greece, and the European Commission.
Among the other speakers of the event were the Chief Scientist for Research & Innovation and partners of the Blue Deal project, as well as representatives of the Shipping Deputy Ministry, the Department of Antiquities, the Department of Environment and the Energy Service of the corresponding Ministries, the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, the Larnaca Tourism Board, the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), BirdLife Cyprus, Blue Invest, Sea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL), Fornelia, Signalgenerix, EIT Climate-KIC Cyprus, the Valencia Port Authority, Eco Wave Power, and Kimagro Fishfarming Ltd.
More about the Blue Deal project can be found at by clicking here or by contacting Ms. Louisa Marie Siakou [local project coordinator] at 22667846 or To watch the recorded workshop, register on the project platform for free:

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