Sustainability, the environment and social actions to improve the quality of life in Cyprus were the focus of the 2nd web day of a series of discussions entitled "Cyprus talks Green", where a number of Cypriot organizations presented their relevant actions.
The British High Commissioner, Stephen Lillie, opened the meeting by stating that "as the Climate Summit (COP26) approaches in November, the event provides an opportunity to present local innovative initiatives that help promote greenery in Cyprus. ». Mr Lillie emphasized that "the fight against climate change is real and now is the time to act".
Afterwards, the Ambassador of Italy, Mr. Andrea, also addressed a greeting. Cavallari stressing the role of youth in climate debate. He also made special reference to the preparatory meeting of COP26, which will be held in Rome in September 2021.
The organizations that presented their activities were the Cyprus University of Technology (TEPAK), the Cyprus Energy Office, the Center for Social Innovation, the Friends of the Land of Cyprus, the Green Deal for Cyprus youth group and the Gardens of the Future initiative.
As stated during the event, the associate professor of TEPAK, Dr. Alexandros Charalambidis, the idea for the series "Cyprus talks Green", was launched by the partners of EIT Climate-KIC in Cyprus (TEPAK, Chrysalis LEAP and Cyprus Energy Office) in December 2020, on the occasion of the finding that several organizations in Cyprus are active in similar areas, but without the necessary coordination for collective action. The discussions are therefore intended to highlight these actions and to multiply the social impact.
TEPAK presented the Maritime ClimAccelerator, supported by the EIT Climat-KIC, which will offer funding through its vast network of partners to start-ups with issues related to the shipping sector to address climate change. Start-ups will be invited to provide innovative solutions for the sustainable transition of the shipping industry, and will have the opportunity to present their ideas to investors, and shipping companies.
The Cyprus Energy Office presented two European projects: "Bricks of Skills" and "Pro Energy", which have as a common goal the training on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. The "Bricks of Skills" project, funded by the European ERASMUS + program, has as its main goal the education and training of craftsmen involved in energy efficiency systems applications. The aim of the project is to make the best use of opportunities and to create a better background for craftsmen and builders. The project "Pro Energy" (Promoting Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings of the Balkan-Mediterranean Territory) was also presented, which is funded by the Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean Territory program, and aims to promote good practices in terms of energy saving, through training of civil servants.
You can see the presentations in detail by watching the recorded online event here.