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Lefkonos 2-12, 1011 Nicosia

The Cyprus Energy Agency invites all members of the Engineering disciplines to participate in the Workshop on "Energy Performance & Certification of Buildings", which it is organizing on Wednesday, November 29, from 15:30 to 19:00, at Training and Certification Center – “The Builder”.

The Conference is organized within the framework of the projects UPGREAT (Upskilling Professionals for deep energy efficiency REnovations: A Tool for better schools) and TIMEPAC (Towards Innovative Methods for Energy Performance Assessment and Certification of Buildings), in which the Cyprus Energy Agency participates respectively as a national representative and partner, and is supported by the Cyprus University of Technology, our partner in the TIMEPAC project.

The aim of the Conference is to inform the participants regarding the requirements of the Energy Performance of Buildings in Cyprus and the methods of Energy Upgrade and integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings, as well as to develop a dialogue around the Energy Certification of Buildings (PEA) and the optimization of said procedure.

Here is the Daily Schedule:

15:30 - 16:00 PMAttendance & Registration
16:00 - 16:20 PMPresentation "Energy Performance of Buildings - Legislative Framework in Cyprus"
Soulla Karra (Civil Engineer), Cyprus Energy Agency
16:20 - 16:40 PMPresentation "Basic Principles of Building Physics, Thermal Comfort & Thermal Insulation"
Christina Palochi, Architect Engineer, Cyprus Energy Agency
16:40 - 17:00 PMPresentation "Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings"
Stelios Kyprou, Mechanical Engineer, Cyprus Energy Agency
17:00 - 17:30 PMBreak time
17:30 - 17:45 PMPresentation “The TIMEPAC Project”
Iosifina Petri, Civil Engineer, Cyprus Energy Agency
17:45 - 18:30 PMWorkshop – Discussion in groups
Discussion Topics: (1) Innovating in Certification: The Path from Improved PES to Enhanced Analysis
(2) Designing Tomorrow's Buildings: Energy Upgrade Scenarios and Improved Processes
Coordinated by Stelios Kyprou, Iosifina Petri and Andreas Ioannou
18:30 - 18:40 PMBreak time
18: 40-19: 00Workshop Results – Open Discussion
Stelios Kyprou and Iosifina Petri coordinate

 Participation in the Conference is free. To register, fill in the form you will find here, or contact one of the following telephone numbers:

  • 22 667726 (Mr. Andreas Pastides)
  • 22 667839 (Mrs. Christina Palochi)
  • 22 667768 (Mrs. Iosifina Petri)
  • 22 667839 (Mr Stelios Kyprou)

We look forward to meeting you!

The UPGREAT project is funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), with resources provided by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Government of Germany. Accordingly, the TIMEPAC project receives funding from the Research & Innovation program “Horizon 2020”, of the European Union.