The UPGREAT [Upskilling Professionals for deep energy efficiency REnovations: A Tool for better schools]project, which is coordinated by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, In cooperation with the Hellenic Passive House Institute, the Cyprus Energy Agency, and the German Da-Di-Werk, was conceived to improve the readiness of Cyprus and Greece for energy efficient deep renovation of school buildings, through the development and implementation of a Total Training Toolkit, targeting building professionals involved in all phases of building renovation processes, minimizing in this way the performance gap.
The project will last 27 months (October 2021 - December 2023), and is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, of the Federal Government of Germany.
Given that the building sector is responsible for more than a third of the total greenhouse gas emissions, and 40% of the global energy consumption, deep renovation has become mandatory across the European Union, in order to achieve high energy efficiency and low carbon emissions until 2050. This applies for both, public and private buildings, including school buildings, which are in the foreground of the EU’s ‘Renovation Wave’, since they are places of high social interest, carrying an important message to the society.
The renovation of school buildings, however, entails a multi-parameter approach, which results in more complex procedures. Renovating school buildings needs to address a wide range of technical, seasonal, comfort, health, social, and circularity aspects, which requires high levels of experience and training; At the same time, the delayed implementation of EE standards and the lack of consultancy and monitoring of legislation implementation in countries such as Cyprus and Greece, impede this process even more. Therefore, construction sector professionals, building experts and related organizations, are confronted with the urgent need to upskill their workforce.
The toolkit to be applied in school building case studies in the countries of implementation, together with the valuable contribution of the partners from Germany, who have made great progress in school renovation and have already ten years of experience in this sector, is expected to facilitate and upgrade deep renovation practices, providing an added value to building efficiency and circularity processes in municipal/regional level. Through its lifetime, the project will create the necessary conditions for the minimization of the performance gap between design and construction, by avoiding deficiencies caused by shortcomings, which will lead to more deep renovation projects, implemented more efficiently, and contributing to the implementation of the national and the European energy and climate policies.
Information Material:
- UPGREAT Newsletter_Volume 1_EN
- UPGREAT Newsletter_Volume 1_GR
- UPGREAT Newsletter_Volume 2_EN
- UPGREAT Newsletter_Volume 2_GR
- UPGREAT Newsletter_Volume 3_EN
- UPGREAT Newsletter_Volume 3_GR
Press Releases:
- Press Release: Energetische Sanierung und Bau von Schulen in Darmstadt-Dieburg europaweit beispielhaft Schulung von Fachleuten aus der Baubranche für die umfassende energetische Sanierung von Schoolgebäuden in Griechenland und Zypern
- The Educational Toolkit of the UPGREAT project helps the energy transition of the construction sector in Cyprus and Greece
- We enhance the skills of construction professionals in radical energy renovations
UPGREAT articles:
- UPGREAT Article: Upgrading professionals' skills for deep renovations
- UPGREAT Article: Renovation following the Passive House Concept
- UPGREAT Article: Identifying the gaps and barriers in deep energy renovation of school buildings through UPGREAT
- UPGREAT Article: Finding the Gaps in Deep Energy Renovations: Preliminary results from UPGREAT's technical survey presented on the 5th icESS, Bucharest
- UPGREAT Article: Identifying the gaps and barriers in deep energy renovation of school buildings through UPGREAT
- UPGREAT Article: Aspects affecting the performance gap in energy renovations of public school buildings
- UPGREAT Article: Policy Gaps and Financial Barriers for Deep Energy Renovations in Cyprus and Greece – Insights from the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences in Bucharest
- UPGREAT Article: UPGREAT Project | Raising-awareness events in Greece and Cyprus
UPGREAT reports:
- Scientific Paper: Identification of Gaps and Barriers in Building Renovations through a Targeted Survey to Professionals of the Built Environment to Upgrade the Quality of Building Stock and Mitigate Climate Change
- UPGREAT Report: Analysis and Evaluation of Performance Gaps and Barriers for Energy Efficiency Implementation Methods (March 2023)
- UPGREAT Project Learning Toolkit: List of Learning Outcomes
UPGREAT research on the gaps and obstacles in the implementation of energy efficiency methods in buildings:
- EN: https://upgreat.limesurvey.net/941512?lang=en
- GR: https://upgreat.limesurvey.net/582451?lang=en
- FROM: https://upgreat.limesurvey.net/851676?lang=en
UPGREAT Seminars:
- Free Educational Seminar: Basic Principles of Building Physics (November 2, 2023_Athens, Greece) - It's over
- Free Educational Seminar: Materials and Systems (November 4, 2023_Athens, Greece) - It's over
- Free Training Seminar: Ventilation and Heat Pumps (November 6, 2023_Athens, Greece) - It's over
- Free Educational Seminar: Thermal Insulation of Buildings and Energy Performance (November 9, 2023_Nicosia, Cyprus) - It's over
- Free Educational Seminar: Basic Principles of Building Physics (November 29, 2023_Nicosia, Cyprus) - It's over
- Free Training Seminar: Energy Efficient Buildings & Renewable Energy Sources (December 20, 2023_Nicosia, Cyprus) - It's over
- Analytical Educational Program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Analytical Training Program of the Hellenic Passive House Institute
- Open Event "The Importance of Radical Energy Renovations in the Schools of Greece and Cyprus" (November 3, 2023_Athens, Greece) - It's over
- Open Event "Energy Upgrading the Building Stock of Cyprus" (November 11, 2023_Nicosia, Cyprus) - It's over
- Final Event of the UPGREAT project in Cyprus (December 20, 2023_Nicosia, Cyprus) - It's over
This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

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