VIOLET 2.0 builds on the results of VIOLET project (preserVe tradITIOnal buiLdings through energy reducTion), which addresses a common challenge among EU regions, home to a building stock of important heritage buildings. These buildings are an asset not only to residents, but also to various industries that sustain European economies. The challenge is to create a building culture that is sympathetic to modern requirements of reinstatement and conservation for improved energy usage and reduced carbon emissions, without endangering architectural heritage. Without this forward-looking policy change, traditional buildings that are now a valuable asset will become a burden in the near future. VIOLET 2.0 additional activities promote exchange on how COVID has affected energy use and performance in heritage buildings and what policy measures can address its impact and stimulate sustainable regional development and healthy buildings.
In brief, the VIOLET project aimed to promote and develop policies to enhance the energy efficiency of traditional and historic buildings, with simultaneous actions to ensure the preservation of their cultural identity. It promoted multidisciplinary cooperation between local actors to design new strategies, new legislation and standards, integrating aspects of energy and cultural heritage.
The activities of both projects benefit from European funding ,through the European Cooperation Programme, "Interreg Europe".
News & Updates:
- VIOLET's 1st Newsletter
- VIOLET's 2nd Newsletter (GR)(EN)
- VIOLET's 3rd Newsletter
- Energy renovation of heritage buildings (Article on Interreg Europe's website, September 2020)
- Cyprus Action Plan & 1st Phase Outputs
- VIOLET's Final Conference (CEA's presentation, September 2021)
- Manual for the energy efficiency and upgrade of architectural heritage buildings_VIOLET (October 2021, GR)
- Interreg Europe Violet Project Video by CEA (with English subtitles)

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