Following the informative webinar organized on Thursday, June 6, 2024, on the topic "Evaluation of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI)", the Cyprus Energy Office announces the launch of a free training program focusing on SRI and its calculation methodology, for building certification. This action is part of the wider action of the European project co-financed by Life+ SRI2MARKET [Paving the way for the adoption of the SRI into national regulation and market], in which the Energy Office participates as a national partner.
The educational material of the program (16 modules) is available to those interested through educational platform of the SRI2MARKET project, at no cost. The aim of the program is to educate and train the interested parties, and deepen their knowledge in basic concepts of the common SRI evaluation system in the European Union and in the basic principles of its calculation methodology, through tool evaluation of the SRI2MARKET project.
Candidates who wish to be certified as qualified SRI assessors can submit a survey and assessment of a real building using the SRI2MARKET project tool, and with these complete their training. It is noted that the training program is addressed to all qualified engineers who are registered with the Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus [ETEK] and the Technical Chamber of Greece [TEE].
Those interested can refer to the supporting material below, and/or contact the Cyprus Energy Office to learn more about the training platform and how to access the training material and assessment tool.
- Mrs. Sulla Karras: +357 22667840 |
- Mr. Andreas Ioannou: +357 22667842 |
Supporting material:
- Online Training Seminar (Video in Greek)
- Introduction to the SRI2MARKET project (GR)
- Introduction to the SRI Index (GR)
- SRI2MARKET Educational Platform
- Platform Registration Instructions (GR)
- SRI Index calculation tool

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