The first Public Agreements were signed 3 proposals that secured funding from the Strengthening Resilience and Community Adaptation to Climate Change Grant Scheme.
It's about the first Grant Scheme concerning the financing of climate change adaptation investments at the local level, the result of an initiative of the Cyprus Energy Office, in collaboration with the Union of Cyprus Communities. The Plan was developed in the wider context of national and community policies for adaptation to climate change, aiming at the same time to strengthen the resilience of the Communities in Cyprus to climate changes, and to increase the level of well-being of the citizens. In this context, the Plan covers three categories of investments:
A) Costs of consulting services for participation in the Grant Scheme and successful implementation of the interventions
B) Investments that strengthen the adaptation and resilience of Communities to climate change [Mitigation and alleviation of climate impacts - mainly high temperatures and floods]
C) Investments in sustainable mobility infrastructure
His proposals that have secured funding so far include: Communities Klirou and Akapnous, and the Municipal District of Lymbia (formerly the Community Council of Lymbia), whose Mayors and Deputy Mayor respectively, attended on September 17th at the premises of the Cyprus Energy Office in Nicosia with their researchers, to sign the Public Financing Agreement, and thus proceed with the implementation of the investments they suggested. The signing of the Agreements took place in the presence of the President of the Union of Cyprus Communities, Mr. Andreas Kitromelidis, as well as the Director of the Cyprus Energy Office, Mr. Savvas Vlachos.
Briefly, the Community of Cleros, having submitted an application under the C investment category of the Plan (investments in sustainable mobility infrastructure), aims to form part of the road network at its core, and create a mixed-use route - that is, for pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities. The configuration includes repaving the road - as in its original form - with pebbles.

Under the same category of investments, there is also the Akapnous Community, which, with resources from the Plan, is looking forward to the formation of existing registered roads and paths, and their marking and highlighting in nature paths, for hikers and walkers. The starting point of the paths will be the multi-purpose hall of the Community, where the outdoor areas will be partially renovated with tree plantings and an increase in the permeability of the soil. The redevelopment aims to transform the hall into a gathering and resting place for walkers and hikers, as well as attracting visitors for events and festivals. At the same time, in the core of the settlement, and within the block of the Community Council building, a pergola with climbing plants will be installed, to provide natural shading.

Finally, the Municipal District of Lymbia will proceed with a project that falls under category B investments of the Plan (investments to strengthen the adaptation and resilience of Communities to climate change). The project involves planting trees and placing pergolas in combination with climbing plants in spaces within the urban area, accessible to the public, to create natural shading and adapt the Community to high temperatures and sun exposure. Among these spaces are the Park of Agia Paraskevi, the Green Space on Ithakis Street, as well as the Cultural Center of Lymbia.

It is reminded that the Grant Scheme grants the 100% of the cost on eligible expenses, with a maximum grant amount per application of €150.000, and a minimum of €10.000. Only Community Councils, Partnerships of Community Councils and Community Service Complexes of Cyprus have the right to participate in the Scheme.
The deadline for submitting applications for the Grant Scheme ends on 15 November 2024 and 23:45 p.m., or until the available budget is exhausted, whichever occurs first. Applications are submitted online, through the website: https://communities-adapt.cea.org.cy/
The Plan is included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRS) and is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RSM) of the European Union (Next Generation EU), with a total budget of €2.900.000.
To learn more, study the following documents, or contact Mrs. Luisa Marie Ciacou, Project Manager, on phone 22667846, or by email at communitiesca@cea.org.cy
- Sponsor Design Guideν
- Brief Design Description
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