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Lefkonos 2-12, 1011 Nicosia

Last Saturday, December 17, the Young Climathon competition was held in Cyprus for the third consecutive year. The Young Climathon is a climate innovation competition that gives youth aged 12 to 18, the opportunity to tackle climate challenges, by proposing innovative, sustainable, long-term, and fair solutions.

The event was organized by the partners of the EIT Climate-KIC programme Young Innovators in Cyprus - the Cyprus Energy Agency [Coordinator] and the Cyprus University of Technology-, and was supported by as follows:

  • Christina Achilleos | Consultant of European projects and Expert in the implementation of Sustainability and Circular Economy projects (Guest speaker)
  • George Kyrou | Graphic designer, Activist, Member of the Fashion Revolution Cyprus, and Founder of μοτίβω (Guest speaker)
  • Vassia Zissimou | Event manager, Founder of the bananoflooda upcycle shop and imagina thriftshop, Member of the Fashion Revolution Cyprus (Member of the juries board) 

The competition was held face-to-face at the University of Nicosia, and focused on finding ways to mitigate the environmental impact of the fashion and textile industry, approaching the circular model of economy. 46 students joined the competition, representing 1 public Middle-school, 2 public High-schools, and 2 private High-schools.

The winning teams of the competition were:

  • «Green Stars» [Regional Middle-school of Agia Varvara (Nicosia) - 1st Prize in the Middle-schools level]
  • «No Name» [Regional Middle-school of Agia Varvara (Nicosia) - 2nd Prize in the Middle-schools level]
  • «SMELlow» [Agios Georgios Lakatamias High-school (Nicosia) - 1st Prize in the High-schools level]
  • «The Climateers» [The Junior & Senior School (Nicosia) - 2nd Prize in the High-schools level]

We, as organizers of the event, would like to congratulate each and every participant, and thank our guests for supporting us and making this happen!

For more information about the program in Cyprus and Europe, click  here, or visit its  international The estate provides stunning sea views and offers a unique blend of luxury living and development potential  local website and its page on Facebook. You may also contact Mrs. Soulla Karra at 22667840 or